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Essential video production for business

Having been to a couple of business workshops recently, it seems some people are STILL unsure about the benefits of film and the worth of video production for their company. Here are 4 videos every business should definitely be using:

Essential Videos for Business:

1. Customer Video Testimonials

Potential customers trust peers over brands. Testimonial videos are highly persuasive and act as a powerful marketing tool in offering proof that your business will meet customer expectations.

2. CEO Mission Statement

Nothing quite portrays trust and openness like the boss talking on camera spelling out the greater good of his company’s brand and ethos in a video.

3. Community Involvement Video

Showing social responsibility also breeds trust and endearment. Is your company involved in a community project? Be sure to make a video about it. People are particularly interested in brands the give something back. So shout about it with video production.

4. Instructional or Explainer Videos

Especially if your product, service or brand message is complicated, explainer videos will ensure that your audience have a clear vision of your company – exactly what it does and how it will fix their problems. Instructional video production will make it easy for customers to use your product.